[Troy] Once in a lifetime
means there’s no second chance
so I believe than you and me
should grab it while we can [Gabriella]
Make it last forever
and never give it back [Troy]
It’s our turn, and I’m loving’ where we’re at [Troy y Gabriella]
Because this moment’s really all we have
of our lives, [Gabriella]
wanna find you there, wanna hold on tight [Troy]
Gonna run [Troy y Gabriella]
While we’re young
and keep the faith [Troy]
Everyday [Troy y Gabriella]
From right now,
gonna use our voices and scream out loud [Gabriella]
Take my hand; [Troy]
together we
will celebrate, [Gabriella]
celebrate. [Troy y Gabriella]
Oh, ev’ryday. [Gabriella]
They say that you should follow [Troy]
and chase down what you dream, [Gabriella]
but if you get lost and lose yourself [Troy]
what does is really mean? [Gabriella]
No matter where we’re going, [Troy]
it starts from where we are. [Gabriella, Troy y Gabriella]
There’s more to life when we listen to our hearts [Troy y Gabriella]
and because of you, I’ve got the strength to start
Yeah, yeah, yeah!
of our lives, [Troy y Gabriella, Gabriella]
wanna find you there, wanna hold on tight [Troy y Gabriella]
Gonna run
while we’re young
and keep the faith.
Everyday [Troy]
from right now,
gonna use our voices and scream out loud
Take my hand;
together we
will celebrate, [Gabriella]
Oh, ev’ryday [Troy]
We’re taking it back,
we’re doing it here
together! [Gabriella]
It’s better like that,
and stronger now
than ever! [Troy y Gabriella]
We’re not gonna lose.
‘Cause we get to choose.
That’s how it’s gonna be! [Troy]
of our lives, [Gabriella]
wanna find you there, wanna hold on tight. [Troy]
Gonna run
while we’re young [Troy y Gabriella]
And keep the faith
Keep the faith! [Choir]
of our lives,
wanna find you there, wanna hold on tight.
Gonna run
while we’re young
and keep the faith
from right now,
gonna use our voices and scream out loud
Take my hand;
together we
will celebrate,
Live ev’ry day!
Love ev’ryday!
Live ev’ryday!
Love ev’ryday!
Ev’ryday! [Gabriella]
-----Heute waren schon 181 Besucherhier!----- Online seit: 08.05.2008 Besucher: 101 Besucher (580 Hits)
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